miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2007

Second Day (Presenting: The Soldiers)

In the morning after having a great breakfast, the children went to the library where after making the children who arrived late sing and dance the song ‘Yo tengo un tallarín’ as a punishment, and later do it all together, start to explain the family philosophy.

Each teacher started to work with warm up activities with their groups and later the monitors, who had been planning the evening, started to work with their families just to find a name, color, song, mascot, motto and flag for their families.

Later and after the swimming pool, the children were playing to ‘The hot potato’ and ‘Quiz’, games where they got really wet. In the night after learning how to dance and sing ‘Hockey Pockey’, Gabi and Merche showed a little of what dancing salsa is and we have a short and crazy workshop just to teach how to dance bachata. Boys were really ashamed, because they didn’t want to dance with the girls, but at the end…most of them danced.

And with all of you...THE SOLDIERS!!!!!!!

Yesterday we all met as a family to decide on the group´s family name, identity, group color, number, and song. Our family´s name is ¨the soldiers¨ or ¨los soldaditos.¨ For the presentation we´ve decided to create a military march with the help of our monitor Nico. Afterwards, in the afternoon, we went to the pool and played with a ball at the pool for about an hour and a half. Wen we came back the monitors played with us and got us all wet with a hose and then we played some games. It was an awesome day!

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