lunes, 20 de agosto de 2007

HeRe We HaVe ThE STaFF TeAm!!!

Here you have the camino morisco team working together to give the 72 boys and girls the experience of a life time. We arrived a day before the kids did in order to give ourselves enough time to plan out the first day. We all agreed in our success in recieving the kids in an organized form. On the lower right hand side you have the Venezuelan english teacher named nicolas (aka nico). To his left, you have Javier laying down as if here were posing for a calvin klein advertisement. He is from Sevilla and enjoys romantic walks along the beach. But more than that, he enjoys spending time with kids and speaking english. Right above him, you have another Sevillano named Gabi who is a world reknown salsa dancer. From left to right, you have the beautiful and lovely coordinater whom we have come to know as Merche. To her right you have the Scottish and lively Elen. One next to her you have the english professor Alicia coming straith out of Canada. Then we have Nella who has mastered the english language over the course of 7 long years. Finally, the two charming sevillanas named Eli and Alejandra!

It´s been the first day so we have taken advantage of the opportunity to get to know each other through icebreakers. It was a hot day, and we are lucky enough to have the natural pool a short 5 minute walk away with a Chiringuito right next to it. Afterwards, we enjoyed the merianda and explained all the rules and regulations to the kids for the following 12 days. We had an amazing dinner which I personally enjoyed a lot. It consisted of ensaladilla, fried chicken filets, and a well dressed salad. FInally, we finished off with a hide and seek game between the kids and the monitors in order to separate the students in groups known as ´families.´ These kids will interact and work together with the family and eventually establish their own identity by creating a name for themselves, a flag, the family´s color, and song or motto. Javier finished off the night by singing the song ¨if you´re happy and you know it...¨ It was a great day at camino morisco even though we are all quite tired from the work put into organizing the first day. Good night and buenas noches, hasta mañana, los niños y los monis, nos vamos a la cama!

1 comentario:

Nicolas Troncoso dijo...

Yesturday we all met as a family to decide on the group´s family name, identity, group color, number, and song. Our family´s name is ¨the soldiers¨ or ¨los soldaditos.¨ For the presentation we´ve decided to create a military march with the help of our monitor Nico. Afterwards, in the afternoon, we went to the pool and played with a ball at the pool for about an hour and a half. Wen we came back the monitors played with us and got us all wet with a hose and then we played some games. It was an awesome day!