viernes, 31 de agosto de 2007

ThE niGhT Of TeRRoR...

Today the teachers taught 3 forty five minute classes which started after assembly which Merche led. The topic of the English classes was “Leisure time and sports”. To begin and warm up teachers took a small part of each class to review the previous days lessons such as body parts, food topics and sang some songs. After the warm ups new vocabulary about Leisure was brainstormed and taught, pronunciation and basic sentence structures were also worked on. Teachers had students do activities like word searches, role playing, poster making and also played Bingo games.

After lunch the children had siesta time and had the choice to either take a rest, talk with friends or take part in a “footballing” tournament with Javi and Nico. At 4:30 the entire camp headed down to the swimming pool where everybody enjoyed swimming and eating their merienda. We left a little earlier than usual, at 6:00 in order to be back at camp to play a game organized by Elli. The game consisted of 8 stations where families had to take part in a different activity made up by each teacher or monitor.

Some tasks involved students getting very dirty with water and flour as well as paint, and other active tasks. It was a great game as they all enjoyed it and took a lot of energy from them as well! At 8:00 the campers were given their mobiles and most had to take showers! After dinner students took part in an activity where they had to make a container and a parachute that would protect a raw egg when it was thrown from a window of a high building.

During this time the staff got ready for the evenings “Night of Terror”. We all dressed up in different scary outfits which consisted of characters such as Freddy Cooger, a mummy, zombies, dead people ect… Campers were brought through the different rooms within the residency where us teachers/monitors were stationed.

Scary music was played and all lights were off. Campers had to find where we were all hiding and collect a picture from each of us. At the end the families who had successfully obtained all 8 photos received points. It was a very successful activity as many students really enjoyed being scared.

Some were too scared and so did not participate however the groups feedback after the activity was very positive and everybody was smiling and laughing about it all.

jueves, 30 de agosto de 2007


In the morning, at 8.30, we got up and we went to the canteen to have breakfast. We sat together and we were wearing the same colour because we want to win more point and be the first ones again!

After having breakfast, we went to the library and we rehearsed the short theatre about the Wild West that all the groups were going to represent. After 15 minutes the function began and it was really funny. Besides, our representation turned out very well!

After that, we had our English lessons in which we learned about healthy and unhealthy food, we made a poster about fruits and we also made a role play about shopping.
At 13.30 the lessons finished and we had half an hour for free time until at 14.00 we went to the canteen to have lunch. We sat together again and we even helped to clean the tables.
Then, we had "siesta time" and we talked with our families. At 16.30, we went to the swimming pool and we played cards.
At 18.30 we went back to the residence and we played some games with Alicia and Ellen until 20.00. At that time, we had free time to have a shower and talk with our families again.
Later, we had dinner and after that we made a competition between campers and monitors in which we had to carry out some funny tasks and then a jury had to evaluate them and give us more or less points. And... of course, we won!

martes, 28 de agosto de 2007


Like everyday we get up at 8:30. After breakfast, in the assembly, the coordinator gave us points for sitting together and cleaning tables of cantinee.Later, for 45 minutes, each family were rehearsing "Wild wild west" perfomance . During rest of morning we were with the teachers learning about diferent countries where english is spoken as first language.

After lunch, people of Interacting came to do a performance named "Wild wild west". A few of us performed with they, it was so funny. Afterwards we went to the swimming pool till 20:00.

In the evening, after a dinner, that no like us so much, we play a game where children had to look for all the teachers and monitors hidden around the Residence. When a family found a monitor, it had to solve a task made up for each monitor. Depending on the way each family solved the task, they received 1, 2 or 3 coloured stones. The family with more stones would receive 100 points the day after.

lunes, 27 de agosto de 2007


It’s Sunday and we have woken up much later, at 10.00 a.m.!! After breakfast, we had our daily assembly were we talked about the timetable for the day and the visit of “Wild West” theatre. Later each family started to prepare the Welcome to Wild West, writing some dialogues and colouring Sheriff stars, handkerchieves, guns, etc.

After siesta time, because it was raining and we couldn’t go to the swimming pool, all of us met in the library to join different workshops: Bachata (with Gabi and Merche), Bracelets (with Ellen and Alejandra), Music (with Javi, Nico and Eli) and Origami (with Alicia and Nella). All the workshops were very funny!!!
In the afternoon we ate delicious chocolate cake made by us the day before, and after dinner we played “Furor” a game where we were divided in two groups, boys against girls, and we had to sing songs containing a word: Love, colour, heart,…The songs were sang in turns. The first team without a song containing the word said by the judge,…were the losers. We had a good time!


It’s Saturday at our Camp.
We get up at 8.30, when the music started, but we were so tired…
The time for breakfast was from 9.00 to 9.45; we ate juice, milk with chocolate, biscuits and…churros!!
After breakfast, we went to the Library and, there, we assisted to the Assembly. Merche, who is the Camp coordinator, gave us the Family points because of our hard work and, also, she explained us the Day schedule.
As today was Saturday, we had no English classes with our four English teachers: Nella, Alicia, Nico and Alejandra. So, we played in the morning to different games, like La Tormenta, Stand Up…
For lunch, we ate salad, beans with tomato, meat and bananas, and it was all so good.
Today we didn’t go to the pool because of the weather, so we participated in two different workshop: Chocolate and custard cakes, in which each family used biscuits, custard, chocolate, milk and sweets for decorate;

and Football table tournament, in pairs, representing each family. Also, we played with our monitors to different games, like El pañuelito, Musical Chairs…
After dinner, we read the letters in the Mail Box, they were a lot!!
And, when we finished, we started with the Night of Love, and we played some games like Beso o placaje and El conejo de la suerte.
Today it was a so hard and long day, but we enjoyed so much.

sábado, 25 de agosto de 2007

ThE FiFTh DaY (SaLaManCa Tour)

Salamanca, Salamanca, Salamanca...what a beautiful city. We headed on out of caminomorisco around 10:30...ready for our adventure in an unknown city. All we had was a map, a compass, and javier´s great sense of direction. Throughout the bus ride, we entertained ourselves with Mission Impossible (the movie). Unfortunately, the movie was interrupted by the vomit of several of the kids in the bus. Apart from that, it was a very fun bus ride where we sang songs (some in spanish, others in english), laughed, and some of us slept to catch up on some sleep.

Once we arrived in Salamanca we headed to the Plaza Mayor. And if I may say so myself, it´s much prettier than the one in madrid. The kids there got the chance to see one of Spain´s historic plazas and got the chance to purchase some lemonade. Then we went for a stroll to the old historic cathedral. The great thing about it was that we could enter for free (por lo cara-->javi y nico). By that time it was time for lunch in one of salamanca´s beautiful plazas in front of St Steven´s church. Then we allowed the kids to walk around salamanca by themselves, as long as they stayed within their respective families. During this time, the could purchase souvenirs for themselves, their toffee twin, their parents, or Nella (since it was her birthday). Shortly after, we went to the shell house (casa de las conchas) and then the kids played a Gymkana where the had the opportunity to learn about Salamanca´s historic significance. All in all, it was an amazing and unforgettable experience.

Much love,

The Fourth Day (Family Presentation Day)

Thursday started off as usual with music being played at 8:30 am to wake everybody up and get them ready for breakfast at 9. Everybody enjoyed a breakfast consisting of Chocolate milk, sweet cakes, tostadas, and of course CHURROS!!! In order for families to receive more points many students have started to take it upon themselves to help clean the cafeteria after breakfast by wiping down tables, pushing in chairs and making sure the room is ready for the next meal.

After a short assembly where daily news and the days schedule was reported, students were given time to work on their family songs and dances which were going to be presented in the evening in front of the entire camp. After the children practiced for a while and felt prepared they had their regular morning english classes. The theme of days classes was "Body Parts". The children were taught names of body parts and then played games such as "Simon Says" and sang songs such as "Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes" in order to help them work on their memory of new learned vocabulary and also on pronunciation.

Lunch was at 2:00 as usual and many families made the effort to sit together and all wear their family color in order to receive more points. During siesta students rested, talked with friends, and played some "Footballing". Headed by Nico and Javi, a little footballing tornament has started and its getting very competitive!!! At 4:30 everybody got ready to go to the swimming pool. At the pool games were played in the water, children talked with friends and like always there were a few sneaky individuals who would walk around trying to push others into the water. Its fun, but the water is a little cold and gives you a shock when you are thrown in by surprise!!! After some swimming many children relax and eat their snacks which usually consist of a bocadillo of salami, lomo or cheese and they also buy a few sweets from the store.

Games were led by the monitors after the swimming session and today they played a type of trivial pursuit game in their family groups where they had to answere questions about funny topics. Families were rewarded points for correct answeres. Later a water balloon game was played and many children ended up getting a cold shower as water balloons were thrown at

them by the monitors!!

From 8:00 to 9:00 the children took time to talk to their family members and friends on their mobile phones and take showers. After Dinner at 9:00 everybody got together in the library to begin the evenings fiesta and talent show! One by one each family came up to the front of the class and presented their family posters which included their name, color, and slogan. In addition they all presented a short song and dance. Everybody did an excenllent job and the evening was very intertaining! I believe there are some very talented individuals at our camp who will no doubt be Spains future celebritie actors and singers! To end the evening lights were dimmed and everybody participated in a mini disco! Great music, lots of energy and dance moves like you have never seen before!!! How time passes when you are having fun! Before we knew it, it was time for bed and the evening came to an end. Oh well! There are many more days left and many more fun activities to take part in. Until tomorrow!